Note: As part of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a non-profit-making intergovernmental organization. IARC is recognized by the government of France as being a general interest organization (“organisme d’intérêt général”). Therefore, for donors based in France, donations made to IARC are tax-deductible. For donors based in other countries, please check with your local tax authorities, because tax advantages vary from one jurisdiction to another. Please let us know if you need a letter to acknowledge receipt of your donation (daf@iarc.who.int).
How you can help
Major progress has been made, but much remains to be done. Your help is important.YOU CAN ADOPT HEALTHY BEHAVIOURS
IARC has produced a set of 12 recommendations to reduce individual cancer risk, based on the best available scientific evidence. See the complete list here: European Code Against Cancer.
Talk to those close to you – your family, friends, and colleagues – and share your knowledge of the healthy behaviours recommended by IARC. As we continue to work to discover new ways of preventing cancer, we also need to spread awareness of the ways of reducing cancer risk that are already known.
Your financial contribution helps us to build and strengthen our research activities. Ultimately, together we can understand cancer better and ensure that it is prevented, detected, and treated as early and as effectively as possible.
More information on IARC activities and funding
Still have questions?
We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about how to support IARC. Please contact the Agency′s Office of the Director of Administration and Finance at daf@iarc.who.int.