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World Cancer Report

Two New Publications

IARC has played a role in the development of two publication projects. One is the preparation of the next IARC World Cancer Report, and the other is the production of the WHO Report on Cancer: Setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all, jointly led by the Management of Noncommunicable Diseases group of the World Health Organization (WHO) and IARC.

The WHO Report on Cancer is being developed in response to a request from WHO Member States in the cancer resolution (WHA70.12) adopted at the Seventieth World Health Assembly in May 2017, which called on WHO, in collaboration with IARC, to produce this report. The WHO Report on Cancer will provide evidence-based public health and policy-oriented guidance on cancer for WHO Member States, in the context of an integrated approach to cancer prevention and control, based on the latest available evidence and international experience, with the participation of and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

The two complementary publications will each contribute to an increased awareness, both professionally and in the wider community, of the lives affected by cancer, and what may be done, is being done, and should be done to decrease the impact of this disease.

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