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24 May 2024

IARC marks European Week Against Cancer 2024

Scientists and other personnel at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) are marking European Week Against Cancer 2024 by highlighting different aspects of the Agency’s work in cancer prevention research on IARC’s website and social media channels throughout the week.

European Week Against Cancer takes place every year, beginning on 25 May and ending on World No Tobacco Day, 31 May. Each day of the week offers an occasion to highlight a different aspect of the cancer continuum: primary prevention on day 1, early detection on day 2, access to treatment on day 3, digital health and care on day 4, research on day 5, patients and survivors on day 6, and World No Tobacco Day on day 7.

IARC’s research focuses largely on primary prevention and early detection. IARC also leads projects examining access to treatment and the impact of e-health solutions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Other IARC research teams study survival of patients with cancer and cancer recurrence in survivors.

At the European level, IARC has been charged with updating the European Code Against Cancer to its 5th edition as part of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. IARC Director Dr Elisabete Weiderpass is an expert member of the European Mission Board for Cancer; she played a vital role in finalizing the Mission outline, which sets out the goal of the Mission on Cancer and recommends methods to achieve this goal.

Visit the European Week Against Cancer 2024 webpage of the Association of European Cancer Leagues 

Visit the European Code Against Cancer, 4th edition website 

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Published in section: IARC News

Publication date: 24 May, 2024, 0:01

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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