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Salvatore Vaccarella Scientist
Cancer Surveillance

Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2007 PhD Medical Statistics Milan University Italy / Milan
1999 University Degree Statistics Padova University Italy / Padova
Current Research Projects

Social inequalities and cancer
IARC (Coordinator)

Trends and projections of HPV-related cancer and other cancers worldwide
IARC (Coordinator)

Impact of prevention and diagnostic changes on cancer burden
IARC (Coordinator)

Epidemic of differentiated thyroid carcinomas
IARC (Coordinator)

Overdiagnosis of cancer
IARC (Coordinator)

Selected Publications

Togawa K, Ahn HS, Auvinen A, Bauer AJ, Brito JP, Davies L, Kesminiene A, Laurier D, Ostroumova E, Pacini F, Reiners C, Shinkarev S, Thomas G, Tronko M, Vaccarella S, Schüz J. (2018) Long-term strategies for thyroid health monitoring after nuclear accidents: recommendations from an Expert Group convened by IARC. Lancet Oncol. 19(10): 1280-1283.

Vaccarella S, Lortet-Tieulent J, Saracci R, Fidler MM, Conway DI, Vilahur N, Sarfati D, Jemal A, Mackenbach JP, Marmot MG, Straif K, Wild CP. (2018) Reducing Social Inequalities in Cancer: Setting Priorities for Research. CA Cancer J Clin. 68(5): 324-326.

Lortet-Tieulent J, Franceschi S, Dal Maso L, Vaccarella S. (2018) Thyroid cancer "epidemic" also occurs in low- and middle-income countries. Int J Cancer [Published online 22 Sept 2018] doi: 10.1002/ijc.31884

Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Bray F, Wild CP, Plummer M, Dal Maso L. (2016) Worldwide Thyroid-Cancer Epidemic? The Increasing Impact of Overdiagnosis. N Engl J Med 375(7): 614-7.

Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Zaridze D, Poljak M, Veerus P, Plummer M, Bray F. (2016) Preventable fractions of cervical cancer via effective screening in six Baltic, central, and eastern European countries 2017-40: a population-based study. Lancet Oncol 17(10): 1445-1452

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 July, 2018, 11:20

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