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Isabel Mosquera-Metcalfe Scientist
Early Detection Prevention and Infections

Speciality: Public Health
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2017 PhD Public Health University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Spain / Leioa
2014 Master Biomedical research University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Spain / Leioa
2012 University expert Epidemiology General Foundation of National Distance Education University (UNED) and Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) Spain / Madrid
2011 University expert Statistics and interpretation of medical studies General Foundation of National Distance Education University (UNED) Spain / Madrid
2000 Degree Pharmacy University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Spain / Vitoria-Gasteiz
Current Research Projects

Reducing inequalities in cancer screening: a case study in the Community of Caribbean and Latin American States (CELAC)
Eikemo TA, Carvalho AL, Lucas E, Balaj M, Mosquera I, Zhang L, Todd A, Bambra C, Basu P

Cancer Screening in 5 Continents (CanScreen5)
Basu P, Lucas E, Carvalho AL, Zhang L, Mosquera I, Sauvaget C, Muwonge R, Herrero R, Sankaranarayanan R

Selected Publications

Mosquera I, Mendizabal N, Martín U, Bacigalupe A, Aldasoro E, Portillo I., Inequalities in participation in colorectal cancer screening programmes: a systematic review, European Journal of Public Health Accepted.

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 5 September, 2019, 8:30

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025