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Farida Selmouni Public Health Officer
Early Detection Prevention and Infections

Speciality: Public Health
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2016 PhD Health Care Complutense University Spain / Madrid
2011 Master Research in Health Care Complutense University Spain / Madrid
2008 Technical diploma Diploma second cycle paramedical studies Institute for Healthcare training Morocco / Rabat
2000 Technical diploma State Diploma of Midwifery Institute for Healthcare training Morocco / Tetouan
1997 Bachelor Chemistry Abdelmalek Essaâdi University Morocco / Tetouan
Current Research Projects

Implementation of a pilot cervical cancer screening program based on single visit approach and improving capacity for breast cancer early diagnosis in Benin, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, and Senegal - Funded by Lalla Salma Foundation, Morocco.
P. Basu, Y. Chami, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas, F. Selmouni

Implementation of colorectal cancer screening demonstration project in Morocco - Funded by Cancer Research Institute, Fez, Morocco.
F. Selmouni, L. Amrani, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas, Y. Chami, B. El Kannoussi, P. Basu

Determinants of delayed referral at the oncology centre and late stage at diagnosis in Morocco - Funded by Lalla Salma Foundation, Morocco.
C. Sauvaget, F. Selmouni, Y. Chami, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas, P. Basu

Impact of breast cancer screening program in achieving downstaging of breast cancer and improving quality of life of breast cancer patients in Morocco - Funded by Cancer Research Institute, Fez, Morocco.
F. Selmouni, K. Bendahhou, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas, P. Basu

Selected Publications

Selmouni F, Belakhel L, Sauvaget C, Abousselham L, Lucas E, Muwonge R, Sankaranarayanan R, Khazraji YC, Basu P. (2019) Evaluation of the national cervical cancer screening program in Morocco – achievements and challenges. J Med Screen;26(3) 162-168

Basu P, Selmouni F, Belakhel L, Sauvaget C, Abousselham L, Lucas E, Muwonge R,Sankaranarayanan R, Khazraji YC. (2018) Breast Cancer Screening Program in Morocco: Status of implementation, organization and performance. Int J Cancer;143(12) 3273-3280

Selmouni F, Zidouh A, Belakhel L, Sauvaget C, Bennani M, Khazraji YC, Benider A, Wild CP, Bekkali R, Fadhil I, Sankaranarayanan R. (2018) Tackling cancer burden in low-income and middle-income countries: Morocco as an exemplar. Lancet Oncol;19(2) e93-e101

Selmouni F, Sauvaget C, Belakhel L, Lucas E, Khouchoua M, Sankaranarayanan R. (2016) Organization and evaluation of a pilot cervical cancer screening program in Morocco. Int J Gynaecol Obstet;132(1) 25-8

Selmouni F, Zidouh A, Nejjari C, Bekkali R. (2015) Acceptability of the human papilloma virus vaccine among Moroccan parents: a population-based crosssectional study. East Mediterr Health J;21(8): 555-63

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 July, 2018, 11:31

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