Status of the INTERPHONE Study
This is a joint IARC, CREAL and UICC statement.In view of the potential public health importance of the findings of the INTERPHONE study, undertaken in 2000, and taking due account of the requirements of peer-reviewed scientific publishing, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in consultation with its partners, CREAL and UICC, have resolved to issue this public statement, to be posted simultaneously on the three Institutions’ websites.
1. Since January 2009, IARC has taken a new initiative to work with all co-authors to finalize a first manuscript from all collaborating centres on gliomas and meningiomas;
2. This manuscript has been submitted for publication to a scientific journal and is now subject to the normal peer-review process; and
3. Work is on-going to prepare subsequent manuscripts for publication.
It is further hoped that the publication process of this first paper should be relatively quick. As soon as a publication date is decided on by the scientific journal, the three partner Institutions, under the stewardship of IARC, will prepare a media statement, under embargo, to summarize the study findings and the methodology used. The usual appropriate media communication channels will then be used, jointly by the three partner Institutions, to publicize the findings.
More information on the methodology, the study rationale, its protocol and previously published papers can be found on IARC’s website.