4 Mars 2021

Special Issue of the journal Molecular Oncology, coordinated by IARC guest editors

A Special Issue of the journal Molecular Oncology, coordinated by guest editors Dr Joachim Schüz and Dr Carolina Espina of the Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), is now available. The Special Issue focuses on the primary prevention of cancer in the context of the rising number of cancer cases worldwide, highlighting that “no country can afford to treat its way out of the cancer problem”. This Special Issue gives an important overview of and perspectives on successful primary cancer prevention.

In the Editorial that introduces this Special Issue, Dr Schüz and Dr Espina state that primary cancer prevention interventions could reverse the increasing trends in cancer incidence and mortality, and that the time to act is now, because cancers typically take a long time to develop. Prevention interventions, which are discussed in more detail in articles in the Special Issue, could include strengthening tobacco control, increasing worker protections, addressing the obesity epidemic, reducing air pollution, tackling climate change, adapting food production and transportation systems, creating infrastructure to implement proven strategies, and countering misinformation.

The Special Issue includes research from prominent scientists, including Dr Christine Friedenreich, Chair of the IARC Scientific Council; Dr Pekka Puska, former Chair of the IARC Governing Council; and Dr Silvia Franceschi, former Head of the Section of Infections at IARC. The articles’ authors address topics such as the weight of individuals’ choices versus environmental factors in influencing the prevalence of behavioural risk factors for cancer, and the economic arguments in favour of cancer prevention strategies. The current COVID-19 crisis may represent an opportunity in this regard, because it has highlighted the importance of prevention and the need for authoritative sources of information.

Read the Editorial

View the Special Issue

View the related video

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 4 Mars, 2021, 0:21

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/special-issue-of-the-journal-molecular-oncology-coordinated-by-iarc-guest-editors/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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