31 Mai 2021

Second module of IARC Summer School 2021 starts today: “Implementing Cancer Prevention and Early Detection”

For the first time, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is holding its Summer School fully online in 2021, offering a unique opportunity to epidemiologists, statisticians, physicians, oncologists, and other public health specialists to learn and benefit from IARC’s expertise from anywhere in the world. Two modules are being offered this year: “Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology” and “Implementing Cancer Prevention and Early Detection”.

The second module is taking place from 31 May to 9 July. The module comprises a 4-week period of preparatory work, followed by a 2-week period of live online sessions. The 36 participants will work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, facilitated by IARC faculty, and will have many opportunities to interact with experts from IARC and the World Health Organization (WHO) and other renowned international experts.

The main goal of the second module of the Summer School is to increase health professionals’ and researchers’ knowledge and understanding of public health interventions in cancer prevention, which in turn will help them contribute to the development of an evidence-based national cancer control plan suitable for their own countries. The course provides a broad perspective on principles, concepts, issues, and practices of cancer prevention, early detection, and programme implementation.

IARC is opening some of the content of the Summer School 2021 to a wider audience, by sharing the material developed and used in the preparatory parts of the respective modules. Additional video recordings will be added as and when available, after each day of the respective daily live sessions of both modules.

To watch the recorded videos, visit the IARC Learning portal

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 31 Mai, 2021, 0:43

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/second-module-of-iarc-summer-school-2021-starts-today-implementing-cancer-prevention-and-early-detection/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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