30 Janvier 2020

Dr Élodie Caboux on why we need more well-trained biobankers

Dr Élodie Caboux, the biobank process management assistant in the Laboratory Services and Biobank Group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), gave a presentation at the Breast-Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference 2020, which took place in Cairo, Egypt, on 9–10 January 2020.

While at the conference, Dr Caboux gave an interview to ecancer about the expansion of biobanking, current challenges faced by those in the biobanking field, and why biobanking is important for cancer research. She explained why training of professional biobankers is essential for the sustainability and continuity of biobanking activities.

Watch the interview

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 30 Janvier, 2020, 11:45

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/dr-elodie-caboux-on-why-we-need-more-well-trained-biobankers/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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