Richard Muwonge Scientist
Early Detection Prevention and Infections

Speciality: Epidemiology/Statistics
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2008 PhD Epidemiology University of Tampere Finland / Tampere
1999 Masters Statistics Makerere University Uganda / Kampala
1994 Bachelor Statistics Makerere University Uganda / Kampala
Current Research Projects

Extended follow up of the participants of a cluster randomized controlled trial involving 120,000 women to evaluate breast cancer screening by clinical breast examination in Trivandrum District, Kerala, India (Statistician)

Randomized trial of cytology triage vs. no triage of HPV positive women in the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer in Barshi, Osmanabad district, Maharashtra, India (Statistician)

Randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the Liger Thermal Coagulator (a.k.a thermal ablation or cold coagulation) vs Cryocautery and vs LLETZ to prevent cervical neoplasia in VIA positive women in Zambia (Statistician)

Cervical Cancer Prevention in HIV infected Women in Pune, India (Co-investigator)

Extended follow-up of the participants of the Indian HPV vaccine trial to evaluate the effectiveness of less than three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in preventing cervical neoplasia (Statistician)

Selected Publications

Pinder LF, Parham GP, Basu P, Muwonge R, Lucas E, Nyambe N, Sauvaget C, Mwanahamuntu MH, Sankaranarayanan R, Prendiville W. Thermal ablation versus cryotherapy or loop excision to treat women positive for cervical precancer on visual inspection with acetic acid test: pilot phase of a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 2020; 21(1):175-84

Basu P, Muwonge R, Bhatla N, Nene BM, Joshi S, Esmy PO, Poli URR, Joshi G, Verma Y, Zomawia E, Shastri SS, Pimple S, Anantharaman D, Prabhu PR, Hingmire S, Sauvaget C, Lucas E, Pawlita M, Gheit T, Jayant K, Malvi SG, Siddiqi M, Michel A, Butt J, Sankaran S, Rameshwari Ammal Kannan TP, Varghese R, Divate U, Willhauck-Fleckenstein M, Waterboer T, Muller M, Sehr P, Vashist S, Mishra G, Jadhav R, Thorat R, Tommasino M, Pillai MR, Sankaranarayanan R. Two-dose recommendation for Human Papillomavirus vaccine can be extended up to 18 years - updated evidence from Indian follow-up cohort study. Papillomavirus research 2019; 7:75-81

Joshi S, Muwonge R, Kulkarni V, Deodhar K, Mandolkar M, Lucas E, Sankaranarayanan R. Incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with no evidence of disease at baseline: Results of a prospective cohort study with up to 6.4 years of follow-up from India. Int J Cancer 2019; 144(5):1082-91

Sankaranarayanan R, Joshi S, Muwonge R, Esmy PO, Basu P, Prabhu P, Bhatla N, Nene BM, Shaw J, Poli URR, Verma Y, Zomawia E, Pimple S, Tommasino M, Pawlita M, Gheit T, Waterboer T, Sehr P, Pillai MR. Can a single dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prevent cervical cancer? Early findings from an Indian study. Vaccine 2018; 36(32 ):4783-91

Muwonge R, Ngo Mbus L, Ngoma T, Gombe Mbalawa C, Dolo A, da Ganda Manuel M, Nouhou H, Nacoulma M, Mwaiselage J, Koulibaly M, Bayo S, Nsonde Malanda J, De Vuyst H, Herrero R, Sankaranarayanan R, Keita N. Socio-demographic and reproductive determinants of cervical neoplasia in seven sub-Sahara African countries. Cancer Causes Control 2016; 27(12): 1437-46.

Scientific Societies Membership

Member of IARC Biostatistics committee.

Peer reviewer for several medical journals.

Designated examiner for the theses/dissertations at The Directorate of Research and graduate Training Makerere University, Uganda.

Course director for Introduction to Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Training Programme for health researchers, oncological clinicians and other health professionals in India.

Publication status

Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 Juillet, 2018, 11:20

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/staff_member/richard-muwonge/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024